
Participating in assessment two provided a realistic insight into the complexities of the digital world. As an individual, my interactions with technology to date had been frequent. I was, however, required to up-skill, drawing upon tutorials and hands-on experimentation to navigate WordPress and Prezi in order to accurately produce creative content. This process highlighted how rapidly the digital landscape evolves and the importance of keeping up to date with emerging tools, particularly for future teaching endeavours.


According to Howell (2012), the greater community places high expectations on schools to bridge the digital divide and produce students that can use and adapt to new technologies. I believe this level of responsibility is three-fold for educators, pertaining to student skill development (digital fluency), safe online practice (digital citizenship), and finally, fostering a level of curiosity and commitment to digital technologies (life-long learning). This combination supports the fundamentals of ICT learning, and when administered effectively by educators, students develop the confidence and capabilities to meet society’s increasing digital expectations.


Engaging with new digital platforms was a challenging but enjoyable learning task. The overall experience facilitated growth in my technical knowledge and a new appreciation for resources available as a 21st-century educator. Although the digital world can be overwhelming for some, students generally find lessons involving technology more interesting and motivating than traditional methods (Howell, 2012). Learning environments rich in digital media provide students with the opportunity to participate creatively and collaboratively to achieve learning outcomes (Alper & Herr-Stephenson, 2013). Fostering this approach to learning requires a sound teaching pedagogy; a positive attitude and willingness to adapt to the evolving nature of the digital space. As teachers’ we are given the unique opportunity to deliver transformative education and help shape the next generation of learners. ‘By diving in with courage, respect and care, digital technology can be the greatest gift we give to our global community’ (Eyre, 2017).


Alper, M., Herr-Stephenson, R. (2013). Journal of media literacy education 5:2. Transmedia play: Literacy across media. Retrieved from

Eyre, M. (2017). Forbes Magazine: Leading in a digital world. Retrieved from

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT. Digital pedagogies for collaboration and creativity. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.

Pixababy. (2017). Brain turn on. [Image]. Retrieved from

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